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Dr. El Sayed Mahmoud

Professor and Program Coordinator of Computer Science at Sheridan

El Sayed's Scholarship Statistics: Research Projects: 17, HQP: 51, Publications: 21, Theses: 8

Future research

My future research plan includes deriving new analytic models for new multimodal machine learning methodologies including natural Language Processing and investigating the parallelism of implementing these methodologies to improve the methodologies' efficiency. I will use these analytical models as guidelines to develop robust and scalable techniques that model classification and regression problems and, in turn, investigate the possibility of applying the robust and scalable techniques for health and business applications. These applications may include:

  1. Extracting useful information from articles focusing on health-related and business-related papers.
  2. Developing smart healthcare and clinical software platforms that use wearables, augmented reality, mobile computing and cloud computing.
  3. Developing Business Intelligence Frameworks
  4. Developing smart software integration frameworks that facilitate the integration among various business apps.
  5. Developing Smart Learning Management Systems that facilitate student engagements using AI tools